Situated in the western part of the Western Carpathians, north of the thermal resort of Băile Herculane, the Cerna Valley and the peaks of Domogledul Mic and Domogledul Mare (1,106 m) are part of the oldest forestal reservation in the country, established in 1932 and covering 2, 000 ha. The reservation, in which rocky areas alternate with meadows and lush vegetation stretches, provides protection to rare vegetal species, such as the black Banat pine tree and the white carnation, and to cave fauna, butterflies, horned vipers, bats, and tortoises. The most picturesque and least accessible parts of the Cerna Valley are the Prisacina and Corcoaia Gorges, cut deep in the rocky walls of the Mehedinți Mountains, and, closer to the springs of the Cerna, the Cernișoara Gorges.